Market-led proposals


In a market-led proposal (MLP), the private sector makes an unsolicited approach to government for support to deliver infrastructure or services through direct negotiation rather than a competitive procurement process. The state has considered many MLPs since early 2015, with four successfully advancing through the entire process to contract award.

Transmittal letter

Ordered to be published


PP No 399, Session 2014–18

The Hon. Bruce Atkinson MLC
Legislative Council
Parliament House
The Hon Colin Brooks MP
Legislative Assembly
Parliament House

Dear Presiding Officers

Appendix C. Map of forest regions

RFAs between the Commonwealth and the states designate areas that can be logged under state supervision.

RFAs are designed to provide for access to forest resources, making possible continued development of internationally competitive and ecologically sustainable industries. They also aim to identify industry development opportunities and protect the environmental and heritage values of forests through national parks and other conservation reserves.

Figure C1 shows the state's five RFA regions.

Figure C1
Victoria's RFA regions

Appendix B. Example fish report card

Figure B1 shows an example of a fish report card from the Wild Trout Fisheries Management Program. It contains information on the overall health of the species.

The VFA is compiling similar report cards for 14 native fish in a joint project with DELWP called the Native Fish Report Card Program.

Figure B1
Example of a fish report card for wild trout, 2017

Appendix A. Audit Act 1994—section 16—submissions and comments

We have consulted with VFA, DELWP, DEDJTR and VicForests, and we considered their views when reaching our audit conclusions. As required by section 16(3) of the Audit Act 1994, we gave a draft copy of this report, or relevant extracts, to those agencies and asked for their submissions and comments. We also provided a copy to the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

Responsibility for the accuracy, fairness and balance of those comments rests solely with the relevant agency head.

Responses were received as follows:

2 Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources

2.1 Context

Just over 3 million hectares (ha) of Victoria's 7.9 million ha of public forest is state forest, where native timber harvesting is permitted. Around 450 000 ha of this (15 per cent) is available and commercially suitable for timber production in eastern Victoria, where the actual area harvested has averaged 3 000 ha annually over the last five years. Small-scale timber harvesting also occurs in western Victoria.

Audit overview

This report follows up two performance audits we completed in 2012–13 and 2013–14.

Performance audits focus on the efficiency, economy, effectiveness and legislative compliance of public sector agencies, and include recommendations to improve the management and delivery of public services.

Acronyms and abbreviations

Biodiversity 2037 Protecting Victoria's Environment—Biodiversity 2037
CMA Catchment management authority
DEDJTR Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources
DELWP Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
DEPI Department of Environment and Primary Industries
DPI Departm