3 Liquidity and cash management

At a glance


This Part reviews seven public hospitals across the four cohorts to ascertain how they manage their liquidity and cash flow.


Five of the seven public hospitals made a net operating deficit in 2014–15. This contributed to cash shortfalls when they could not cover operational costs with operational revenue.

2 Financial outcomes

At a glance


This Part looks at the 30 June 2015 financial performance and position of the 87 public hospitals and their controlled entities. It details the main drivers behind the net results achieved, and analyses the sector against five financial sustainability risk indicators.


The public hospital sector has generated a net deficit from operations of more than $700 million each year for the past five financial years.

1 Context

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Structure of this report

This report details the outcome of the financial audits of the 87 public hospitals in Victoria, and their 19 controlled entities, for the financial year ending 30 June 2015.

Figure 1A outlines the structure of this report.

Figure 1A
Report structure



Part 1: Context

Audit summary


This report details the outcome of the financial audits of the 87 public hospitals in Victoria, and their 19 controlled entities, for the financial year ending 30 June 2015.

Audit Summary

VAGO undertakes performance audits into the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of public sector agencies and their operations to provide assurance to Parliament and drive public sector improvement. We aim to achieve this by identifying issues and making recommendations to agencies about how to address them. However, our recommendations cannot result in improvements unless they are accepted and enacted by public sector agencies.

Audit Summary

Audit committees play a key accountability role in the governance framework of Victorian public sector agencies. While management retains ultimate accountability for operations, audit committees independently review and assess the effectiveness of key aspects of an agency's operations.

Audit Summary


The effective planning and delivery of major capital projects is critical to governments achieving their policy objectives. If delivered well, infrastructure enhances services to the public and improves productivity. Poor management diminishes the benefits of these projects, potentially delays delivery and creates additional costs for taxpayers.