Appendix A. Audit Act 1994 section 16—submissions and comments

We have consulted with Colac Otway, Darebin, Hindmarsh, Mildura, Nillumbik and we considered their views when reaching our audit conclusions. As required by section 16(3) of the Audit Act 1994, we gave a draft copy of this report, or relevant extracts, to those agencies and asked for their submissions and comments. We also provided a copy of the report to the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

Responsibility for the accuracy, fairness and balance of those comments rests solely with the agency head.

Responses were received as follows:

1 Audit context

1.1 Background

One way in which local councils deliver services to the community is through effective use of their assets. Council assets typically include roads, bridges, footpaths, drains, libraries, town halls and recreational centres, and may include other specialised facilities such as airports and landfills. The 79 Victorian councils control more than $102.1 billion in assets and infrastructure, including more than $26.5 billion in roads and bridges and $8.7 billion in drains, as shown in Figure 1A.

Audit summary

One way in which local councils deliver services to the community is through effective use of their assets. Council assets include roads, bridges, footpaths, drains, libraries, town halls, parks, recreational centres, and other community facilities. The 79 Victorian councils control more than $102.1 billion in assets and infrastructure, including more than $26.5 billion in roads and bridges and $8.7 billion in drains.


AIMS asset information management system
ALGA Australian Local Government Association
AMAF Asset Management Accountability Framework
AMP asset management plan
DELWP Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
DRFA Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements
DTF Department of Tr

Transmittal Letter

Independent assurance report to Parliament

Ordered to be published


PP No 27, Session 201819

The Hon Shaun Leane MLC
Legislative Council
Parliament House
The Hon Colin Brooks MP
Legislative Assembly
Parliament House

Dear Presiding Officers


Transmittal Letter

Independent assurance report to Parliament

Ordered to be published


PP No 25, Session 201819

The Hon Shaun Leane MLC
Legislative Council
Parliament House
The Hon Colin Brooks MP
Legislative Assembly
Parliament House

Dear Presiding Officers