Appendix A. Audit Act 1994—section 16-submission and comments

We have consulted with DELWP, and we considered its views when reaching our audit conclusions. As required by section 16(3) of the Audit Act 1994, we gave a draft copy of this report to DELWP and asked for its submission and comments. We also provided a copy of the report to the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

Responsibility for the accuracy, fairness and balance of those comments rests solely with the agency head.

DELWP's response is included below.

RESPONSE provided by the Secretary, DELWP

5 Guidance and support

Under section 13A of the Public Administration Act 2004, the secretary of a government department is responsible for 'working with, and providing guidance to, each relevant public entity to assist the entity on matters relating to public administration and governance'.

Our 2014 audit found that DEPI was not providing sufficient support and guidance to CoMs. Gaps in departmental coordination had further reduced the effectiveness of DEPI's support and guidance.

4 Governance and appointments

Our 2014 audit found that DEPI needed to significantly improve the governance of CoMs. Specifically, we found that DEPI was not using consistent and sufficiently robust methods to appoint members to higher-risk CoMs, and it was not ensuring that higher-risk CoMs had adequate internal governance processes. We found that probity checks were adequate but not tailored to risk.

Audit Overview

This report follows up our performance audit Oversight and Accountability of Committees of Management, tabled February 2014.

Performance audits focus on the efficiency, economy, effectiveness and legislative compliance of public sector agencies, and include recommendations to improve the management and delivery of public services.


CoM committee of management
CAV Consumer Affairs Victoria
DELWP the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
DEPI the former Department of Environment and Primary Industries
VAGO Victorian Auditor-General's Office

Follow up of Oversight and Accountability of Committees of Management


There are more 8 000 Victorians who make a substantial contribution to Victoria as part of a committee of management (CoM). Through their volunteer labour, they maintain and oversee almost 1 500 Crown land reserves.

Crown land reserves are areas of public land set aside for the benefit and enjoyment of Victorians. Reserves managed by CoMs vary from sporting grounds, parks and gardens that play important roles in their local communities to historic buildings and international tourist precincts such as Phillip Island Nature Reserve and the Great Ocean Road.