2. Performance audit work program
We plan to deliver 22 performance engagements in 2023–24 across our 7 performance audit sectors.
We plan to deliver 22 performance engagements in 2023–24 across our 7 performance audit sectors.
The Auditor-General gives independent assurance to Parliament and the community about the Victorian public sector's financial integrity and performance. VAGO assists with this.
Our annual work program is made up of:
Sector | Proposed performance engagements |
DJCS and DFFH offer services for prisoners with intellectual disability or an acquired brain injury.
Long waiting lists for these programs mean some prisoners will not access a service before they leave prison.
These prisoners miss out on some of the rehabilitative opportunities prisons can provide.
DJCS does not have a comprehensive process to identify if new prisoners have intellectual disability or an acquired brain injury.
If DJCS does not identify one, the prisoner will not get specialised support.
DJCS and DFFH do not have enough specialised accommodation for prisoners with intellectual disability or an acquired brain injury. This affects these prisoners' safety and rehabilitation.
In Victoria, people with intellectual disability or an acquired brain injury are over-represented in the prison population. Prisons need to give these prisoners the right support to make sure they are safe and have the best chance of rehabilitation.