2. Delivering the BHB
Despite rising cost pressure, Homes Victoria is on track to deliver the BHB within the original budget of $5.3 billion.
Homes Victoria has started or finished more than 70 per cent of the project's 12,949 homes. But it is likely to complete the BHB 3 years behind schedule.
Selecting sites for the BHB is an ongoing process. Homes Victoria uses sound criteria to decide if a site is suitable for the BHB and follows a well-documented, consistent assessment process.
1. Social housing planning and strategy
Homes Victoria has a good understanding of its existing assets and demand for social housing. But its strategy does not clearly prioritise building new homes in locations with the highest need. It also lacks specific goals to measure its progress in reducing the gap between supply and demand.
Homes Victoria knows that social housing faces significant financial challenges. Homes Victoria has some initiatives to improve its finances. But it is yet to develop a financial sustainability plan that will help it to continue to grow social housing.
What we found
This section summarises our key findings. The numbered sections detail our complete findings, including supporting evidence.
When reaching our conclusions, we consulted with the audited agencies and considered their views. The agencies’ full responses are in Appendix A.
Our recommendations
We made 4 recommendations to address 2 issues. Homes Victoria has accepted these.
2. Detecting and responding to fraud and corruption
All departments have processes for investigating and reporting fraud and corruption incidents when they have been alerted to them by individuals.
Most departments test their procurement data to look for procurement and financial errors. However, only 2 departments use data analytics tests that specifically focus on proactively detecting fraud and corruption risks.