5. Managing planned disruptions
Transport bodies, PTOs and Big Build contractors have coordinated and managed planned disruptions to the Victorian public transport network to minimise the impact on passengers. They have scheduled most planned disruptions outside peak times, and PTOs have coordinated asset maintenance and other infrastructure-related projects with Big Build–related network occupations.
4. Responding to unplanned disruptions and emergencies affecting public transport
The department has not always effectively responded to unplanned disruptions and emergencies impacting public transport. While the department has minimised the impacts through effective contractual requirements with PTOs, it has not always met its support obligations under the Sub-Plan.
Covered in this section:
3. Preparing for unplanned disruptions and emergencies affecting public transport
The SEMP and Sub-Plan outline the roles of the department and PTOs in managing unplanned disruptions and emergencies affecting Victoria's public transport network. The department fulfils its role through its internal arrangements and contracts with PTOs. The department, VicTrack and PTOs have emergency management arrangements that are consistent with the Sub-Plan. For PTOs, these arrangements also comply with their contractual requirements.
2. Our recommendation
We made one recommendation to address our findings. The Department of Transport and Planning has accepted this recommendation.
1. Our key findings
What we examined
Our audit followed 3 lines of inquiry:
1. Are transport bodies and public transport operators (PTOs) prepared to manage disruptions impacting Victoria’s public transport network?
2. Do transport bodies and PTOs effectively respond to disruptions impacting Victoria’s public transport network?
3. Do transport bodies and PTOs learn from disruptions impacting Victoria’s public transport network?
To answer these questions, we examined: