Natural disaster recovery and resilience

We plan to examine whether governance arrangements described in Victoria's Recovery Framework effectively support recovery efforts in regional communities following a major emergency. The October 2022 floods will be the test case for the effectiveness of the governance arrangements.

Implementation of departmental savings and efficiencies

We plan to examine whether departments and agencies implemented the savings and efficiencies, outlined in the COVID Debt Repayment Plan – savings and efficiencies initiative in the 2023–24 Budget Paper No. 3: Service Delivery, in a way that protected frontline staff and maintained service delivery.

Cybersecurity: infrastructure

We plan to examine the effectiveness of agencies’ asset management in relation to the cloud environment and the effectiveness of controls associated with cloud-based infrastructure.

Contractors and consultants: management

We plan to examine how contracts and consultancies are being managed by the Victorian Public Service and the extent to which those management practices are consistent with the relevant guidelines.