3. Managing COVID-19 grants programs


Due to the speed with which they set up their COVID-19 grants programs, DJPR and DHHS did not implement effective fraud controls at the start. Although they made improvements over time, there is a risk that internal reviews have not uncovered all cases of suspected fraud. In contrast, DoT and DPC minimised the risk of fraud and waste by building controls into the grant application process and monitoring how grants were used. However, most departments could improve how they consider conflicts of interest in grants management.

1. Audit context

Departments needed to act quickly to respond to COVID-19, such as by buying essential medical supplies and setting up support programs. To fund these unexpected costs, the Victorian Government announced a range of new funding initiatives. These included extra funding for the health system and grants for businesses affected by public health restrictions.

3. Governance and accountability


For CSV's first six years of operation, Courts Council did not adequately direct CSV's governance and risk management. 

In 2020, Courts Council made changes to improve its governance and risk management by clearly documenting roles and responsibilities and approving its first organisational risk profile. While these changes are positive, it is too early for us to judge their impact.

2. Strategy and service delivery


Courts Council did not set an adequate strategic plan for CSV until 2020. Consequently, for its first six years, CSV did not have an expressly agreed direction on how to perform its role to fulfil its purpose. Without a clear strategy to guide its services for jurisdictions, CSV missed opportunities to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the service delivery model it inherited. 

1. Audit context

The court system is a key aspect of our democracy. It upholds justice, order and human rights. 

Courts and tribunals need fit-for-purpose facilities and efficient and effective administrative services to meet community needs and the court system's demands. This includes buildings, information technology (IT) infrastructure, and support services, such as finance and HR. CSV provides these administrative services and facilities to Victorian courts and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).