Appendix B. Delivering financial audits

The Auditor-General undertakes financial audits for over 560 public sector entities each year. The Auditor-General uses VAGO staff to undertake around a third of these financial report audits. For the remaining audits, the Auditor-General contracts private sector firms (audit service providers) to assist. VAGO reviews this work and all audit opinions are issued on behalf of the Auditor-General. 

Attest audit work program

We deliver a range of attest services to public sector agencies. We conduct financial audits in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards and relevant professional and legislative requirements. Additional information about the delivery of our financial audits is in Appendix B.

This section sets out our attest engagement work program for 2021–22. This encompasses reports to Parliament on the results of our financial and performance statement audits of agencies and the number and type of audit opinions we expect to issue.

Performance audit work program

This section sets out our proposed performance audit program for the next three years. In 2021–22, we plan to deliver 18 performance audits. 

For each audit listed, we outline the audit specification, which includes our objective for the audit, the issues we intend to examine and the agencies we expect to include.

Annual Plan 2021–22

This annual plan sets out our proposed work program for the 2021–22 financial year.

Managing State-significant Risks

This audit examined if agencies are working collaboratively to identify and manage state-significant risks and if the Department of Treasury and Finance provides confidence to the Assistant Treasurer and Treasurer on how well agencies manage them.

Management of Spending in Response to COVID-19

This audit assessed if agency spending in response to COVID-19, including through the Treasurer’s Advance, has been used for its stated purpose and complies with relevant laws and policies.

Business Continuity During COVID-19

This audit assessed if agencies’ business continuity arrangements enabled the continuation of essential public services during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic state of emergency.