2. The scheme


The scheme has partly achieved its objectives and generated economic value for the state. It has kept container freight traffic on rail but has not achieved any significant shift of freight from road to rail. 

The department’s publicly reported data on freight containers moved by rail under the scheme shows a decline against targets in recent years. 

The department’s assurance processes over publicly reported data on the scheme and related expenditure need improvement.

1. Audit context

In 2014, transport networks in Victoria carried 360 million tonnes of freight. The government expects this volume to more than double by 2051 to 900 million tonnes each year.

To help address this long-term challenge, in 2018 the government developed a plan for the freight and logistics system called Delivering the Goods – Victorian Freight Plan

What we found and recommend

We consulted with the audited agencies and considered their views when reaching our conclusions. The agencies’ full responses are in Appendix A. 

The programs have not increased rail’s freight share

The objective of this reasonable assurance engagement was to determine whether programs to encourage more freight on rail have been effective.

3. Financial audit work program

We deliver a range of attest services to public sector agencies. We conduct financial audits in line with the Australian Auditing Standards and other relevant professional and legislative requirements.

Our financial audit scope

Sectors we audit

Our financial audit program covers entities across a range of sectors.