Maintaining trains



To determine whether the train fleet is being maintained to optimise the transport services it provides, achieve its predicted useful lifespan and reduce lifecycle costs.


In 2020, Victoria had a fleet of 650 trains. The 2019 and 2020 state Budgets invested $4.3 billion to buy, build, maintain and refurbish trains. Our previous asset management audits and other external reviews, such as Infrastructure Australia’s 2019 Australian Infrastructure Audit, have found that maintenance is frequently underfunded. This has the potential to affect service delivery, for example, by decreasing public transport vehicle reliability.  

Management of Victoria's train rolling stock is complex because of the range of agencies involved. Victorian Rail Track (VicTrack) owns these assets on behalf of the state. It leases them to DoT, which coordinates and manages contracts for public transport services. DoT subleases the rolling stock to the rail operators Metro Trains Melbourne and V/Line. 

Under their subleases, rail operators are responsible for effectively managing the rolling stock across all asset lifecycle phases. This includes strategically planning their long-term management, maintenance and performance. DoT funds rolling stock management, maintenance and renewal. VicTrack, DoT and the rail operators must comply with a range of requirements for maintaining the rolling stock fleet.

This audit will examine the effectiveness of rail operators’ efforts to improve their asset maintenance practices, and of DoT’s and VicTrack’s oversight of their work.

Proposed agencies 

DoT, VicTrack and V/Line.

Associated entity 

Metro Trains Melbourne.

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