Report on Ministerial portfolios May 1998

Tabled: 13 May 1998


Table 1 May 1998

A diverse range of public interest issues identified from the annual financial audit process of the numerous public sector agencies which come under the Auditor-General's responsibility are subjected to additional audit work culminating in this annual Report to the Parliament on Ministerial Portfolios. Key issues of this audit review are the maintenance backlog at schools, capital expenditure and asset management at Swinburne University of Technology, development of university IT systems - the CASMAC project, Department of Human Services tendering procedures; management of Residents’ Amenities Funds, privatisation of bus services, public transport revenue and patronage levels, Docklands redevelopment arrangements, operation of audit committees and internal audit within the local government sector, management of municipal business undertakings, poor tender specifications, competitive tendering arrangements at the City of Greater Dandenong, community-based orders by courts, management of infant investment trust accounts by courts, collection of fines and fees, charging for police services, restructuring of water authorities, Victorian Dairy Industry Authority Chinese joint venture, milk marketing, administration of the Community Support Fund, the year 2000 issue - the Millennium Bug, Clearance of Yallourn Power Station site, trends in performance of public sector superannuation funds, Local Authority Superannuation Board unfunded superannuation liability, financial standing of WorkCover, utilisation of government property, and Victorian electricity industry privatisation.

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