Vocational education and training: a client perspective
The importance of performance measurement and, in particular, the use of performance indicators to measure agency or program performance has been recognised by successive governments over a number of years. More recently, the Treasurer foreshadowed the widespread adoption of indicators to measure service delivery performance in collaboration with other States and the Commonwealth. In the context of vocational education and training, sound progress has been made to date by that sector in implementing a range of indicators to measure the performance at a national level. However, as the sector acknowledges, more effort needs to be directed at assessing the effectiveness of vocational education and training at a State and institute level through canvassing the views of student and industry clients. The immediate challenge for the Office of Training and Further Education of undertaking assessments of effectiveness through the measurement of program outcomes is both difficult and complex. Until outcomes are accurately measured, the Office will not be in a position to conclude with confidence on whether the substantial resources allocated to vocational education and training (around $700 million in 1995) are effectively used to meet the needs of student and industry clients.