Our recommendations

We made 7 recommendations to address 3 key findings. The relevant agencies have accepted the recommendations in full or in principle or with qualifications. While our recommendations are directed to audited agencies, we expect all Victorian public sector agencies to implement them where appropriate.

Access to Emergency Healthcare

This audit assessed whether the Department of Health and responsible agencies are addressing Victorians’ need for timely and equitable access to emergency healthcare.

4. Guiding and training

The quality of DH's guidance is improving and councils are accessing it more often. However, it does not always meet council needs.

DH’s training and workshops are effective, but EHOs need more regular sessions and refresher training throughout the year.

3. Reporting performance

DH’s statewide food safety reporting does not include useful or timely information about how effectively councils are managing food safety. DH and councils need better performance data to measure food safety outcomes.

The LGPRF provides some insight into the efficiency and effectiveness of food safety management. However, councils do not always calculate results consistently and it is difficult to assess their performance without targets.