5. Victoria Police

At a glance


This audit conducted a detailed analysis of Victoria Police freedom of information (FOI) processes and performance. Victoria Police received 2 381 requests in 2010–11, or 47 per cent of the 12 audited agencies’ FOI requests. Of the 2 381 requests, 79 per cent were personal requests.

1. Background

1.1 Introduction

Openness, accountability and transparency are fundamental principles of democratic government. The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the Act) was designed to promote these principles in the Victorian public sector by giving the public the right to access government information.

The second reading speech of the Freedom of Information Bill advised Parliament that:

Audit summary


Freedom of information (FOI) is a cornerstone of a thriving democracy. FOI upholds the public’s fundamental right to access information held by the government. The community’s ability to scrutinise public sector activities and hold the government of the day accountable for its decisions is affected by the transparency and accessibility of government information.

Freedom of Information

This audit examined the 11 Victorian government departments and Victoria Police to determine the extent to which they comply with the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and FOI guidelines. The audit also assess whether FOI is administered effectively and efficiently in selected agencies.