3 2009 Guidelines – compliance and better practice

At a glance


Government advertising and communications material should be relevant to government responsibilities, appropriately planned, not intended to promote party political interests, based on accurate and verifiable facts, and not excessive or extravagant in relation to the objective.


Advertising and communications activities suffer from a lack of clear leadership and coordinated guidance by the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

2 Expenditure and accountability

At a glance


Advertising and communications are accepted means by which governments make known or explain their policies, programs or services. However, the important role they play is easily compromised when public resources are spent with little accountability, or when they serve party political purposes rather than the public good.

1 Background

1.1 Introduction

Advertising and communications activities are increasingly being used by governments to achieve their objectives in informing the public. However, these activities often attract controversy and political debate over the levels of public funds used and the potential for advertising to be used for party political purposes.

Government advertising and communications activities need to be accountable, to deliver value-for-money and to avoid promoting the incumbent government.

Audit summary


Victorians have the right to be informed about tax-payer funded policies, programs and services. The government uses advertising and communications as key tools to provide this information.

While advertising and communications can assist in efficiently achieving government objectives to inform the public, they often attract controversy and political debate, mainly over the level of public funds used and their potential to be used for party political purposes.

Government Advertising and Communications

This audit examined whether there are appropriate levels of accountability in government advertising and communications expenditure and processes. It also assessed whether selected advertising and communications campaigns comply with relevant laws, guidelines and policies, and how the 2009 Victorian Government Advertising and Communications Guidelines compare with current better practice.