Report of the Auditor-General on RMIT’s finances

The objective of this audit was to examine RMIT’s financial position and budgetary outlook and determine the adequacy of its budget management processes, including budget setting, monitoring and actions taken to address budget variances.

Teacher workforce planning

The overall objective of this audit was to determine whether effective and efficient arrangements were in place for planning and managing the supply and demand for government primary and secondary school teachers.

Schools of the future : valuing accountability

The audit was directed at assessing whether the Schools of the Future Accountability Framework was an effective mechanism for assisting in evaluating and improving school performance, including student learning outcomes.

Integrated education for children with disabilities May 1992

This report evaluated the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the Department of School Education's management of integrated education services for disabled children. The review focused on: the implementation of the conceptual framework and guiding principles of integration, departmental organisational structures and procedures established to implement policy objectives, accounting systems, with particular emphasis on the level of funds provided and how these funds were spent, management information systems including planning and service delivery, human resource management within the program.