2. Understanding the scale of asbestos dumping in Victoria

The government does not understand the scale of asbestos dumping across Victoria.

This is because responsible agencies do not systematically collect, use and share data about the frequency and location of illegal asbestos disposal.

Doing this would support the efforts of land managers and regulators to reduce illegal disposal.

The government also does not know where and how much asbestos is still in Victorian buildings and structures. This information would help the government forecast patterns of illegal disposal and plan for future infrastructure needs.

1. Audit context

Many Victorian homes and workplaces contain asbestos. When asbestos products are damaged or disturbed they can release fibres that threaten the health of anyone who inhales them. The government regulates asbestos removal and disposal to reduce this risk.

What we found

This section summarises our key findings. The chapters detail our complete findings, including supporting evidence.

When reaching our conclusions, we consulted with the audited agencies and considered their views. The agencies’ full responses are in Appendix A.

Our key findings

Our findings fall into 3 key areas:

Responses to Performance Engagement Recommendations: Annual Status Update 2023

This dashboard provides transparency to the Victorian public and parliamentarians on agencies’ responses to our performance engagement recommendations.

Our performance engagements assess whether government agencies are effectively and efficiently meeting their objectives, using resources economically and complying with legislation. They often identify opportunities for improvement, which are reflected in our recommendations.