Report on public sector agencies : results of special reviews and other studies.

Tabled: 17 August 2004


The first part of report examines the operation of water trading in Victoria, and assessed the management of purchasing and accounts payable activity across the public sector. Recommendations are provided to strengthen agency practices and governance arrangements. The second part of the report presents the results of a performance audit examining the development of policy advice by government departments, and the results of a study of the progress made by the Environment Protection Authority to address the significant matters raised in the June 2002 performance audit report entitled Managing Victoria’s Air Quality.

The report identifies various opportunities for departments to improve the planning and management of policy development, and to better inform ministers about the risks associated with recommended policy positions. In the case of air quality management, the report recognises the positive action taken to address  previous concerns, but identifies a continuing need for action  including the evaluation of major improvement initiatives to assess their effectiveness. Finally, the report explains the reasons for the deferral of a planned performance audit of the management of community correction orders administered by the Department of Justice.

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