Appendix D. Glossary


Responsibility on public sector entities to achieve their objectives, with regard to reliability of financial reporting, effectiveness and efficiency of operations, compliance with applicable laws, and reporting to interested parties.


The systematic allocation of the depreciable amount of an intangible asset over its expected useful life.

9 Public private partnerships

At a glance


This Part reviews the delivery of, and accounting for, public private partnerships (PPPs). It also analyses and comments on the total cost of PPPs to the state, and provides additional comment on three PPPs.


At 30 June 2014, 21 facilities in Victoria were operating or being built under a PPP arrangement. The total nominal cost of these PPPs over the remaining life of the contracts was $36.6 billion, payable over the period to 2041–42.

8 Significant projects

At a glance


This Part details the progress of significant projects underway at 30 June 2014.


With the exception of Western Highway upgrades, the significant projects reviewed are progressing on time and within budget as at 30 June 2014.

7 Alpine resorts

At a glance


This Part analyses the financial results and financial sustainability risk of the five Victorian alpine resorts for the five years ended 31 October 2013.

The financial statements of the majority of alpine resorts for the year-ended 31 October 2014 were not complete at the time of preparing this report.

6 Infringements

At a glance


Infringement notices are issued by enforcement agencies—such as Victoria Police—to persons who have committed an offence. In 2013–14, 3.1 million fines were issued for mobile and fixed traffic camera offences, tollway offences and 'on-the-spot' offences compared with 3.5 million in 2012–13. Fines can be cancelled, withdrawn or written off under certain circumstances.

5 Prudential supervision

At a glance


The Prudential insurance standards for Victorian Government insurance agencies (the Standard), issued by the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF), establishes a policy framework for the prudential management of Victoria's insurance schemes. The Standard specifically applies to the Transport Accident Commission, the Victorian WorkCover Authority and the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (the agencies).