1. Context

Road congestion is a complex and persistent challenge with both social and technical solutions. Interrupted traffic flow affects the economy, businesses, and people’s daily lives.

What we found

This section summarises our key findings. The chapters detail our complete findings, including supporting evidence.

When reaching our conclusions, we consulted with the audited agencies and considered their views. The agencies’ full responses are in Appendix A.

Why we did this audit

An effective arterial road network:

1. Preventing fraud and corruption

All departments have controls to prevent, detect and investigate fraud and corruption during the procurement process. Examples of these controls include running fraud and corruption training for new employees and having internal processes to report procurement and integrity matters to senior management.

However, departments are at different stages in making sure their controls work as they intended them to. In particular, not all departments make sure that:

What we found

This section summarises our key findings. The numbered sections detail our complete findings, including supporting evidence.

When reaching our conclusions, we consulted with the audited agencies and considered their views. The agencies’ full responses are in Appendix A.